2024-2025 College Catalog 
    Oct 18, 2024  
2024-2025 College Catalog

Financial Services

Tuition and General Fees

Tuition and general fees represent payment toward the maintenance, operating, and instructional costs of the College. Students are charged per credit hour for each semester they are enrolled in the institution. A student enrolled in 12 or more semester credits is considered a full-time student for tuition purposes. Noncredit developmental courses are considered part of the course load in determining full-time status. Current tuition rates, housing costs, and fees may be viewed on the College website (www.rbc.edu) or by calling the Cashier’s Office.

Billing Schedules

Fall semester charges will be billed on or about the beginning of July for those students who have completed the registration process, and payments shall be due on or about the first week of August. Spring semester charges will be billed on or about the beginning of December for those students who have completed the registration process, and payments shall be due on or about the first week of January.

Bills will show all charges at the time the bill is generated, along with any personal payments received, or Financial Aid received or pending. Credit will be given for pending Financial Aid if all Financial Aid requirements have been met. It is the student’s responsibility for ensuring all necessary actions have been taken to receive their financial aid awards. If a student has questions on the Financial Aid section of the bill, they should reach out to the Financial Aid Department.

Credit will be given for pending outside scholarships only if the student has provided RBC’s Financial Aid department with the official notification of the award(s) prior to the scheduled billing dates. Unless specified by the agency supplying the scholarship, all outside scholarships will be evenly divided between the fall and spring semesters.

Every effort is made to have paper bills sent to the student’s address on file, however students who register late may only receive electronic bill notices. Automated emails with Student Account Statement/Bill attachments are sent out weekly to students who are registered up until the tuition due date. Electronic bills are sent to both personal and RBC email addresses on file. Additional bills and/or collection notices may be sent after the tuition due date to addresses on file. See the Collection Policy section for collections notifications and additional information.

It is the student’s responsibility to make certain that all permanent, local, and personal email addresses are current in our system. Failure to receive a billing statement will not waive the requirement for payment by the due date. Students who do not receive bills, and the due date is approaching, should review their Self Service Banner account balance information by logging onto http://statesmen.rbc.edu/login.

Student Financial Responsibilities

In consideration of Richard Bland College of William & Mary allowing individuals to register for courses, all students are expected to meet their financial obligations.  As a member of the campus community, all students are held responsible for and accept the following conditions.

  1. All students of Richard Bland College of William & Mary understand and accept the responsibility to:
    • Submit full payment of tuition and fees generated from course registration, housing, and dining services.
    • Submit full payment for any fines, damages and any other miscellaneous charges incurred on the student account.
    • Review any electronic billings and pay the College by the due dates stated. Students understand that paper bills may not be sent out and failure to receive an electronic bill does not waive the requirement for payment when due and will not prevent application of the late fee.
    • Review the self-service Banner account regularly for balances and charges incurred throughout the semester.
    • Pay a $50 returned check fee for payments returned by the bank. All returned payments must be repaid in cash to the Cashiers office.
    • Maintain a current mailing address and other contact information on file with the Records & Registration Department. Failure to update information may cause a delay in receiving refund checks.
    • Acknowledge the RBC email address as the official form of communication and students agree to read email regularly for updates. Failure to review, open, or check the RBC email Inbox, Spam, or other folders will not waive the application of late fees or course drops caused by missed information.
    • Submit all financial aid paperwork in a timely manner, including any documents requested during the verification process.
    • Pay the College any Financial Aid amounts the student is not eligible for under federal guidelines and the student realizes the financial aid may be adjusted throughout the semester due to ineligibility caused by course drops, official/unofficial withdrawals, etc.
    • Return or repay any funds owed to the College in the event adjustments or additional charges are posted to the account after a refund has been pro
    • Retrieve electronic copies of tax form 1098T Tuition Statement via Banner Student System
  2. If students fail to pay or repay any unpaid balance owed to Richard Bland College of William & Mary, students agree that RBC may take such steps as necessary to recover funds owed. The process of collecting the debt may include:
    • Deduction of such debt from any funds due to the student from the College or State of Virginia, including wages or financial aid, and any applicable tax refunds via the Virginia Debt Set- Off program.
    • Contacting the student by telephone, text messages, emails, and letters at any telephone number, email address, or permanent address associated with the account by RBC employees or agents. Students understand the account may be sent to a collection agency or attorney.
    • Students agree to pay all costs of collections including late fees, additional fees imposed by third party collection agencies or attorney fees (up to 30% of the principal, plus accrued interest), court costs, and/or other charges as necessary to collect any debt.

This agreement is subject to the laws of the State of Virginia, without regard to its conflict or choice of law provisions.

Payment of Accounts

Tuition and fees are payable in full in advance of each semester. Payments must be received by the Cashier’s Office before students will be allowed to complete registration. The College accepts cash, checks, VISA, Discover, and MasterCard. Automated monthly payment plans are also available and students must enroll in the plans prior to the start of each semester.

When a check is returned by the bank for any reason, the student’s academic record will be encumbered and the student will not be permitted to complete registration until tuition, fees, and service charges are paid in full.

Students who wish to reside on campus must make payment in full on their account, sign up for the automated payment plan, or secure enough financial aid to cover all costs prior to moving into the dorms.

Classification as a Virginia Resident In-State Tuition Eligibility

Code of Virginia are available at this link: https://law.lis.virginia.gov/vacode/title23.1/chapter5/section23.1-506

Section 23.1-506 of the Code of Virginia provides that:

To become eligible for in-state tuition, an independent student or, in the case of a dependent student, the individual through whom he claims eligibility shall establish by clear and convincing evidence that for a period of at least one year immediately prior to the date of the alleged entitlement, he was domiciled in Virginia and had abandoned any previous domicile, if such existed.

To become eligible for in-state tuition, a dependent student or unemancipated minor shall establish by clear and convincing evidence that for a period of at least one year prior to the date of the alleged entitlement, the person through whom he claims eligibility was domiciled in Virginia and had abandoned any previous domicile, if such existed. If the individual through whom he claims eligibility for in-state tuition charges abandons his domicile in the Commonwealth, such student is entitled to in-state tuition charges for one year from the date of such abandonment.

Domiciliary status shall not ordinarily be conferred by the performance of acts which are auxiliary to fulfilling educational objectives or are required or routinely performed by temporary residents of the Commonwealth. Mere physical presence or residence primarily for educational purposes shall not confer domiciliary status. A matriculating student who has entered an institution and is classified as an out-of-state student shall be required to rebut by clear and convincing evidence the presumption that he is in the Commonwealth for the purpose of attending school and not as a bona fide domiciliary.

Evidence of intent to establish Virginia domicile may include, but is not limited to voting registration, state to which income taxes are filed or paid, property ownership, military records, employment, auto registration, driver’s license, and any other social or economic relationships with the Commonwealth and other jurisdictions. The tuition rate for spouses and dependents of active military personnel will be in accordance with applicable state laws and statutes. In determining domiciliary intent, institutions of higher education shall consider the totality of the circumstances, including the following applicable factors: continuous residence for at least one year prior to the date of the alleged entitlement, except in the event of the establishment and maintenance of a place of residence outside the Commonwealth for the purpose of maintaining a joint household with an active duty United States military spouse; state to which income taxes are filed or paid; driver’s license; motor vehicle registration; voter registration; employment; property ownership; sources of financial support; military records; a written offer and acceptance of employment following graduation; and any other social or economic relationships within and outside the Commonwealth.

In order to meet requirements of the code provisions related to residence classification of students at Richard Bland College for tuition purposes, the following procedures must be followed:

  • The Domicile Officer for Enrollment Services shall make initial determination of residence at the time of admission based on completion of the Virginia In-State Tuition Form. Additional documentation may be required. Students unable to provide the necessary information shall be classified as a non-resident.
  • An applicant who disagrees with the initial classification shall have the right to appeal to the Second Domicile Officer for Enrollment Services. This appeal must be in writing and the Associate Director of Admissions and the Director of Financial Aid shall respond in writing within five working days of the receipt of the appeal.
  • If the applicant disagrees with the decision of the Associate Director of Admissions and the Director of Financial Aid, the applicant has the right to appeal to a three-member panel consisting of the Chief Enrollment Management Officer, the Director of Residence Life and Housing, Conduct Coordinator and or the Chair of the Faculty Affairs committee.
  • Any party aggrieved by a final administrative decision shall have the right to review in the Circuit Court of Dinwiddie County. A petition for review of the final administrative decision shall be filed within thirty days of receiving the written decision.

Late Fees & Collection Costs

Per the Code of Virginia section 2.2-4805, students and families are hereby placed upon notice that failure to pay in full at the time goods or services are rendered or when billed will result in the imposition of a late fee of $50. Returned checks will incur a handling fee of $50. If the account is referred for collection to an attorney or to a private collection agency, then the student will be liable for all attorney’s fees, interest or additional collection costs. Request for or acceptance of goods or services will be deemed to be acceptance of these terms.

To prevent the possible assessment of late payment fees, students must pay all calculated charges on, or before, the semester due date or the date a charge is incurred (whichever occurs later). If tuition has not been paid by the established due date, secured with adequate financial aid, or an automatic payment plan is not in place, students will be charged a late payment fee of $50 as prescribed in 2.2-4805 of the Code of Virginia. Failure to receive a bill does not waive the requirement for payment when due and will not prevent the application of the late fee.

Course Drops for Non-Payment

If tuition has not been paid by the due date, students may be dropped from his/her courses for non-payment. Communications will be sent to students in advance of being dropped. It is the student’s responsibility to make certain that all permanent, local, and personal email addresses are current in our system. Richard Bland College’s main form of communication for currently enrolled students is through the RBC email address. Failure to review, open, or check the RBC email Inbox, Spam, or other folders will not prevent courses from being dropped for non-payment.


Military Account Information

Students who wish to use military benefits (Ch. 33 Post 9/11 GI Bill or Ch. 31 Voc Rehab benefits) must provide a Certificate of Eligibility to the Office of Financial Aid prior to the first day of class. Students must also provide a copy of their course schedule to the Office of Financial Aid each semester.

Students who have been identified as active military/dependent through the Admissions attribute process, or students identified through the Financial Aid department as receiving GI/military benefits will be exempt from late fees and will not be assessed account holds which would prevent enrolling and access to school resources.  Additionally, those military students will not be penalized for any delayed VA payments made to Richard Bland College and will be exempt from course drops.

Students who are not 100% eligible for military benefits will not be assessed a late fee or an account hold, however they should pay any remaining balance due on their account prior to the end of each semester.


Charges & Fee Types

Charges and fees are defined as amounts owed to the school due from the student. Tuition, which includes mandatory comprehensive and technology fees, is charged per credit hour to all part-time and full-time students. Other fees may be per semester, or one-time only fees, and may not apply to all students. Please review the current academic year’s rates. Charges and fees include but are not limited to:

  • Tuition: this charge directly supports the costs of faculty and the academic facilities, programs, and most materials used in teaching
  • Comprehensive fee: this charge directly supports the non-academic components of campus including: Athletics, Technology for auxiliary areas (wireless service in non-academic areas excluding residence halls), Maintenance of auxiliary areas (athletics building, Pecan Groves, common areas, etc.), Student Activities and events brought to campus for student entertainment and support of student clubs, Parking
  • Technology fee: this charge is used to support the maintenance and replacement of technology in academic buildings
  • Math Course Fee:  this charge is generated to cover math programs administered to certain students depending on his/her enrolled math course
  • Transcript fee: this charge is placed on a student’s account when he/she fills out an official transcript request form from the Records and Registration Office
  • Housing: this charge is incurred for residential students
  • Meal Plan: this charge is incurred for all residential students, and any commuter student who wishes to have a commuter plan for dining services
  • Late fee: this charge may be generated for students who complete late registration, or fail to pay their account balance in full by the established dates set forth by the college
  • Parking Fee: this charge stems from a parking ticket administered by the Richard Bland College Police department for failing to display your parking decal, parking in an incorrect lot, etc.
  • NSF Fee: a returned check fee is administered to any student account for which a check payment has been returned for nonsufficient funds
  • Lab Materials fee: charged per course on certain science lab courses to cover the cost of materials used
  • Art Materials fee: charged per course on certain art lab courses to cover the cost of materials used
  • Distance Learning fee: charged per credit for courses containing fully online instruction.
  • Collection fee: fee imposed on a delinquent student’s account sent out for collections

Refund Checks

Refunds are generated when a student has a credit on his/her account for the semester. Credits may occur because of overpayments in grants, scholarships, loans, or personal payments made in cash, check, or credit cards. All refunds will be made out in the student’s name, unless the overpayment is caused by a Parent Plus Loan. For overpayments in Parent Plus Loans, the refund check is processed in the parent’s name. The refund process may take up to 14 calendar days from the date of the overpayment. Refunds are processed in batches, according to the overpayment dates. Once a batch is complete, communications will be sent to students’ email address to select or change their refund receiving method- either direct deposit or mailed check.   Parent Plus refund checks are mailed out to the address on file. 

Student refunds at Richard Bland College are managed in partnership with Nelnet Business Solutions. We offer an easy way to get your refund each semester if money is due back to you.

Students must choose how to receive their refunds, by one of the below methods:

  • ACH DIRECT DEPOSIT into an individual bank account of your choice
  • Reloadable Debit Card  (The students own debit card)

Note: If no option is selected in Student Choice Refunds, a check is mailed to the students mailing or permanent address listed in Self-Service Banner (SSB) with mailing address being selected first.  However, students must ensure that they have a valid current address in Banner before a refund can be issued.

How to sign up for a Student Choice Refund:

Students will need to create an online account on the Nelnet site and enroll in a refund method so that they will be prepared to receive any future refunds by their desired method.

  1. Log into your individual BANNER SSB account at RBC at: http://statesman.rbc.edu/login
  2. On the Main Menu page, select the “Sign up for Student Choice Refund” link

This will redirect you to our secure Refund and Payment Plan portal.

  1. Select the “Manage Refund” link and fill in the necessary information. Your refund will then be sent using the CHOICE you selected.
  2. Fill in the necessary information. Your refund will then be sent using the Refund Method you selected.

Note: On your first visit, follow the prompts to Create an Account with Nelnet. After creating an account, select “Manage Refunds” to Enroll in a Refund Method.

In some instances, students may owe the college after refunds have been processed.  The student is responsible for returning or repaying any funds owed to the College in the event adjustments or additional charges are posted to the account after a refund has been processed.

The Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997

The following information is not intended as legal or tax advice. Please confer with a personal tax advisor or the Internal Revenue Service to determine your eligibility for education tax credits.

The Taxpayer Relief Act (TRA) of 1997 created tax benefits for families or students who are paying for higher education or repaying student loans. Through Richard Bland College, students, or the persons who can claim them as dependents, may be able to claim an education credit on Form 1040 or 1040A, only for the qualified tuition and related expenses that were actually paid during a Calendar Year.

The TRA requires all higher education institutions to report annually to the Internal Revenue Service the following information for each student:

  • Student name
  • Student address
  • Social Security Number of the taxpayer who may claim a deduction on a federal income tax return
  • The amount of tuition billed, scholarships and grants, and any adjustments made during the calendar year

For each calendar year enrolled, each student will be notified to view the 1098-T form available in Banner by January 31 on which to report the required information to the Internal Revenue Service.